10 stupid things done by managers
1. Hire your mom; make sure she gets a really good position. Pay her with minimum 50% more than the other employees on equivalent position. Family comes first! 2. Recruit a key employee (deputy director, top manager) and promise him a salary raise of 50% after 3 months. Delay him for 2 years, by avoiding him or changing continuously the subject. Arrange a 1 to 1 meeting and ask him why he is not motivated. My staff loves me! 3. Promise to your employees a bonus based on performance level X. The Company arrives to the performance level X. Forget about the bonus, summon all people to a big meeting and thank them for their performance. Make sure you don’t have life insurance. People, our number 1 priority! 4. Hire an assistant manager based on boobs rating. Promote her as a top manager/director. Give her unlimited p...